Dedicated to educating children of the Maasai culture

PROJECT 3: update
We will add a primary school before attempting to build a secondary school.
We envision adding a secondary school to our primary and nursery schools. This would continue to be a school that incorporates both English and Swahili mediums and Google Chromebooks for technology.

Our first project is a nursery school for ages (approximately) two to four. Each student will be given a school uniform, school supplies, and a meal of porridge daily. The nursery school will be located at Olomaiyana Baptist Church near Nanja.

Our original vision was for a primary school, but after spending a week there in January, we have decided to open at least two more nursery schools in the area near Losimingiori and Nanja.
Update 2023: We are planning to build a classroom onto our regular nursery school so each class, Baby and Nursery, can have their own separate classroom.
Our second project is a primary school to be developed from the ground up. We envision a school that continues with dual mediums, both English and Swahili. We also envision a school that will incorporate technology for the students through Google Chromebooks.